Convert MOBI to AZW
Are you searching for methods of converting MOBI to AZW free? But can't find useful MOBI to AZW converters? This may disappoint you. Here, I will talk about converting MOBI to AZW. Hope this can be useful for you.
Why Convert MOBI to AZW, What's the Purpose?
Some friends have the need of MOBI to AZW conversion. Firstly, let's take a look at MOBI file and AZW file.
- MOBI is the format used by the MobiPocket Reader. Amazon owns Mobipocket. So the format is also used on Amazon store.
- AZW is the format developed by Amazon company. AZW format is specially used on Kindle devices. Other non-Kindle devices can't recognize AZW format.
- MOBI and AZW can both be recognized on Kindle devices. And these two formats both have DRM form and non-DRM form.
People want to convert MOBI to AZW may be because:
1. MOBI files have no DRM protection. AZW has better display quality on Kindle devices than MOBI.
2. MOBI files have DRM protection. So they can't read them on Kindle devices directly. Converting MOBI to AZW may allow them read DRM-MOBI files on Kindle.
For the first reason, I don't decide to say anything special about it. If you are because this reason, go to convert MOBI to AZW following the steps below.
For the second reason, I need to tell you: Your opinion is wrong. What you need in fact is not to convert MOBI to AZW, but to remove DRM from MOBI files. Once you remove DRM from MOBI, you can load these non-DRM MOBI files to Kindle devices directly for reading.
Convert MOBI to AZW with Amazon email
There are no such developers who have specially developed MOBI to AZW converters in the market, because converting MOBI to AZW are not needed by too much people, maybe. But Amazon has an email conversion service which may be able to help convert MOBI to AZW.
The documents Amazon email service support converting are:
I am not so sure whether Amazon supports MOBI to AZW conversion or not, whatever, you can have a try because it is totally free. If you can't find any MOBI to AZW converters and really need to convert MOBI to AZW, try this method below:
What you need do is:
Step 1: Create a new internet mail.
Step 2: Set (your-choice) to make the files be delivered to the main email address related to your Amazon account.
Step 3: Attach the files you wish to convert to the email (25 max and 50MB each max).
Step 4: Deliver email, in which case you may need to type "convert" into the subject line. Or else it will just deliver the MOBI to Kindle, instead of converting MOBI to AZW.
Recommendable iStonsoft Products:
To read MOBI files on NOOK, iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, Nook, and so on, try to convert MOBI to ePub format. Here we have iStonsoft MOBI to ePub Converter, which is free to download, safe to install and easy to use. For Mac users, please see Mac MOBI to ePub Converter.