How to Convert ACSM to ePub Free?

2012-07-02 14:57:06 /
Posted by Shelly Anla to eBook Topics
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When you purchase an ePub book from a website, you will get an ”.acsm” file. This file should be opened with Adobe Digital Editions, which will then download the actual ".epub" e-book. The e-book file will be stored in the folder "My Digital Editions".
So the saying of "how to convert ACSM to ePub" is not right. Because ACSM is not an eBook format, you don't need to "convert" it to any eBook format. Just open the ACSM file with Adobe Digital Editions, ADE will download the real ePub book to My Digital Editions.
More about ACSM file extension...
The ACSM file type is primarily associated with 'Adobe Digital Editions' by Adobe. If your computer is asking you where to save the .acsm file then your Adobe Digital Editions may not be installed correctly or not yet authorized. Often you can solve this issue by simply setting your computer to always use Adobe Digital Editions to open this type of file.
ePub Supported Devices...
# Apple iPad (using iBooks)
# iPhone and iPod touch (using Lexcycle Stanza, Glider or iBooks on iOS 4.0+)
# Sony Reader
# Android devices (using WordPlayer, FBReader, Aldiko)
# Barnes & Noble NOOK
# Hanlin eReader
# BeBook
# Bookeen Cybook Gen3, Cybook Opus
# iRex Digital Reader 800, 1000
# PocketBook Reader
# Ctaindia's eGriver Ebook Reader