Free eBooks for Kindle Download

2012-09-28 14:57:06 /
Posted by Shelly Anla to eBook Topics
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Free eBooks are readily available on the Internet. However, many of them are in the ePub format and require a conversion before they can be read on the Kindle. This is not a problem, thanks to the availability of free conversion software, which can easily convert ePub to Kindle.
Nevertheless, for those who don't like to fuss with converting eBooks from the ePub to MOBI (Kindle) format, I have great news. There are numerous sources of totally free eBooks already formatted for Kindle. Following is a list of my favorites:
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Free eBooks for Kindle - Feedbooks
Feedbooks is a cloud publishing and distribution service, connected to a large ecosystem of reading systems and social networks. Every month, Feedbooks distributes millions of books to an increasingly growing community of readers.
Kindle Books Free - Project Gutenberg
Project Gutenberg offers over 36,000 free ebooks to download to your PC, Kindle, Android, iOS or other portable device. Choose between ePub, Kindle, HTML and simple text formats.
Free Kindle Books Downloads - Mobipocket
Mobipocket (Amazon) is nice because it includes books in several different languages. Founded in March 2000, became in a few years the leader for reading eBooks on mobile devices: read dozens of thousands titles on your PDA or on your smartphone (Windows Mobile, Blackberry, Palm OS, Symbian, PocketPC, Franklin eBookMan, ...)
Free eBooks for Kindle Download - The Free Library
The Free Library has offered free, full-text versions of classic literary works from hundreds of celebrated authors, whose biographies, images, and famous quotations can also be found on the site. The Free Library is an invaluable research tool and the fastest, easiest way to locate useful information on virtually any topic.
Want to get more free eBooks for Kindle? Click here.
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